2021|《復刻》|Photographic paper, tracing paper, acrylics 相紙、描圖紙、壓克力|31×22×3cm*54|孤獨圖書館,阿那亞,河北
《復刻》 中的所有圖像均是顧承洋掃描自身身體得出的結果。這些圖像碎片化地將藝術家身體形態記錄為檔案。對於顧承洋來說,這些帶有審美意味的圖像是其來源於藝術家想要在後疫情時刻直接通過身體進行交流的努力。這些圖像拒絕了語言描述,不帶有任何敘事,而微觀、碎片化的身體局部直接展示了先於語言的身體質感,顯得既具體又抽象,指向了一種新的審美經驗。
All the images in this book are created by scanning and recording my body, fragmenting the forms of my body into files. In this moment, I want to engage in a direct dialogue through the body, free from language or narrative. In these micro-images, we find the texture of our bodies themselves, concrete yet abstract before language. For me, imagery
generates a new aesthetic experience