

mordern house-超輕量 2024-2025

modern house-週⽇家庭聚會/私⼈空間 2019





Zap 居.停地圖






  • Remaining temperature 2021

2020.10.16~23|《餘温》|Clothing, Sewing, Cotton, Body 衣物、縫線、棉布、身體 |Dimensions Variable|Zapbeijing gallery,北京

餘溫 (2021)

邀請請志願者現場參與行動, 把當天穿的衣服,維持一個動作姿勢,用針線與空間縫製再一起,並且把它(衣物)留在展場裡,這些衣物成為了溝通連接的路徑,使其觀者透過不同的身體感知,再次穿回現場所留下來的物件,這些行動痕跡,成為了限制觀眾的軀殼並且也是塑造觀眾身體的一種方式,讓一個人去經驗另個人的過去, 使其溫度可以持續的發生,並且傳遞下去。

1.   每次的行動,志願者取一套針線,任意在空間內維持一個固定的動作,並縫製自己的穿著的衣物在展場中(可斟酌挑選需留下的物件),並且最終脫離離開,最後再把針線放回至定位。

2.   縫製完的衣物必須留在展場不可再次取走,並且最終物件(衣物)由藝術家所有,每次的行動需要把當天的日期縫製在旁邊。

3.   行動為開放式表演,開放觀者觀看,並且在志願者結束行動後,可以再次的體驗穿著現場的物件。

  • Remaining temperature 2021

Volunteers were invited to participate in an on-site action, maintaining a specific posture while sewing their clothing from that day into the exhibition space using needle and thread. These garments remained in the exhibition, becoming pathways of communication and connection. Through bodily perception, viewers were encouraged to rewear the objects left behind, allowing the traces of action to both confine and shape their bodies. This experience enabled one person to step into another's past, allowing warmth to persist and be passed on.

  1. In each session, volunteers received a set of needle and thread. They maintained a fixed posture within the space and sewed their worn clothing into the exhibition setting (selecting which garments to leave behind). After completing the action, they detached themselves and placed the needle and thread back in its designated spot.
  2. The sewn clothing must remain in the exhibition and cannot be taken back. The final objects (garments) become the property of the artist. Each session requires the date of the action to be sewn alongside the piece.
  3. The action is an open performance, allowing the audience to observe. After the volunteers complete their actions, viewers are invited to experience wearing the objects left behind in the space.